Naruto x Reader x Sasuke Chapter 1: The Affair
Naruto x Reader x Sasuke Chapter 1: The Affair

Chapter 1
"Daddy." A soft whine came from Sasuke's side, making him look towards the source of the noise so early in the morning.
"Yes baby?" He grunted, looking at her messy hair and smiling face.
"Where's Naruto-kun?" Y/N whimpered against his side as she rolled over in bed, nuzzling her head against Sasuke's chest. He held her with tired eyes, closing them again.
"I don't know where that Baka is." Sasuke yawned against her head. "Go back to sleep baby." He pressed a quick kiss to her temple.
"Daddy!" She whined louder, looking for him.
"I'm right here princess." Naruto yawned, coming out of the bathroom.
"Good!" Y/N smiled as she opened her other side of the blankets. "Come lay with us daddy." Naruto climbed eagerly into the blankets, throwing his arm over her and Sasuke.
"I can't stay for long baby, it's that time again." Naruto smiled apologetically. Y/N frowned.
Naruto and Sasuke, along with Y/N had a huge secret to hide. Ever since they were five years old, they had been the closest friends. When they were sixteen, they had become lovers, all three of them in a polyamory relationship. It was a forbidden relationship in the Leaf village, and especially with Naruto's Hokage status.
Sasuke originally planned to marry Y/N, so the three of them could be in peace to love Naruto as they pleased. However Y/N didn't want children. She was a young and free girl, and loved the excitement that came from her love for the two. Sasuke's dieing clan had to be repopulated, and so he eventually picked Sakura. No one else would be so obedient to the fact that he was rarely home and always with Y/N.
As for Naruto, she could have married him, but Naruto wanted children just as badly as Sasuke. Naruto felt extremely guilty from it, but he chose Hinata for her easy going nature. She let him do whatever he wanted, and allowed him to work all night. Hinata and him were great friends that had sex sometimes, just to keep up appearances. Hinata could never find out Y/N and sometimes Sasuke was visiting Naruto late at night in his office.
Y/N didn't marry, chosen to stay single and carefree. The thrill of getting caught kept her heart racing, but she truly felt bad for her friends that had no idea that their husbands were cheating. "Daddy," She kisses Naruto deeply, sucking slowly on his bottom lip. "Don't you have to be back now?" She cuddled against his bare chest, the two of them wrapped around each other while Sasuke watched tiredly.
"I could send another shadow clone." Naruto huffed as Y/N kissed down his jawline, then turned to Sasuke.
"Too risky daddy, I'm so tired of having to share you." Y/N pouted at the two of them. "It's been so long since the three of us have had such long playtime." Y/N mumbled sadly, making Sasuke kiss her cheek.
"Don't be a sad baby, we'll think of something." Sasuke looked at Naruto, who was pointedly staring at his lips. "What dobe?"
"Can I get a kiss too?" Naruto batted his blue eyes, making Sasuke roll his halfheartedly. Without a word, Sasuke leaned over and gently captured Naruto's lips on his own, Y/N staring in awe at the two of them.
"It's so hot when you guys kiss." She smiled brightly. When they broke apart for air, she quickly kissed the two of them, laying down.
"What about a vacation?" Y/N mumbled tiredly, trying to fight sleep. Sasuke and Naruto's eyes shot open.
"I'm the Hokage baby, I can't take vacations for long periods of time." Naruto sighed, poking her side. "Who would take care of the village?"
"Naruto also has kids, like I do." Sasuke pointed out. "I already missed years of Sarada's life, I'm trying not to lose more." He added, albeit a little guilty for his bloodline. Y/N sniffled, a lone tear trailing down her face.
"Don't cry, princess." Sasuke poked her forehead, making Y/N turn over and bury her forehead into the pillow. She threw off both of their arms, dramatic sniffling filling the air.
"We'll think of something baby." Naruto kissed her forehead, understanding her. The two of them had family, but Y/N was always lonely because she lived in an apartment all alone. She didn't have anybody but her friends and her men.
"'Maybe if Daddy hadn't been careless, Sakura wouldn't have found my panties in his pocket." Y/N looked straight at Sasuke, a soft glare. Sasuke gulped. He had forgotten after a date night, and when Sakura was doing laundry she had found the lacy thong. Sasuke had managed to play it off, but Sakura went door to door paranoid, trying to find the owner. He was lucky Y/N was good at lying.
Ever since then, Sakura followed his chakra signature around town, paranoid that there was another woman in Sasuke's life. Sasuke couldn't come to Y/N's apartment or the inn, and Naruto's Hokage office was the only non suspicious place. So the three of them had very strict schedules to stick to.
"It's not my fault." Sasuke yawned. "You're not even supposed to be wearing them," He teased her, watching as she giggled.
"Okay Teme." Naruto smirked. "You weren't supposed to be wearing underwear that night too." Naruto stuck his tongue out, watching Y/N blush. They were all cuddled up on the futon in Naruto's office.
"Seriously guys, I want you all to myself for just a week." Y/N whined. Naruto kissed her quietly, placing a dozen kisses on her neck.
"Just give me a little while baby, I'll figure it out." Naruto yawned.
"Okay." Y/N pouted as she crawled over Naruto, standing up. "I should go before Shikamaru gets here." Y/N smiled, pulling her fallen panties up. Sasuke did the same, pulling his boxers on as he faced Y/N.
"Are you mad?" Sasuke wondered, a sad look on his face.
"No." Y/N frowned. "Just disappointed." She added as she pulled her jeans on, buttoning it slowly. Sasuke slowly made his way around the bed, handing her the shirt that had made its way to his side.
"Well, don't be, you're important to us." Sasuke presses his lips against her forehead temple. His arms wrapped around her as he rocked her gently.
"Temes right." Naruto held her hand from his position on the bed, their fingers curling around each other.
"I know." Y/N shuffled out of both of their grips, and tossed her sandals on. She grabbed her bag and started walking to the door.
"Baby wait, let me walk you-!" She slammed the door in Sasuke's face. "Home." He added sadly. Naruto shook his head gently.
"Oh no." Naruto groaned as he buried his head in his hands. "She's in a mood again."
"Well do you blame her, dobe?" Sasuke huffed and continued getting dressed. "She gets to see us every other night, we're constantly sneaking around, our wives may catch on at any time.." Sasuke huffed and buttoned his cloak.
"She's gonna leave us Teme, we're gonna lose our baby." Naruto frowned, sulking.
"No! We just have to think dobe." Sasuke growled. "What can we do to make her happy?" Sasuke crossed his arms, looking around. Naruto sighed and grabbed the tv remote. He flickered on the television.
"I don't know what to tell you, Sasuke." Naruto sighed as he flickered through the channels.
"Not good enough, Baka." Sasuke huffed, shifting next to Naruto. "WAIT!" Sasuke huffed angrily, making Naruto quickly pause. They both stopped at the commercial, watching in awe.
Gambling, amazing hotel rooms, fine dining. Shopping.
The two of them watched as the commercial broadcasted an amazing skyscraper casino, right next to the beach on an island. "Shit dobe, it's got jetskis. She loves the water." Sasuke chuckled.
"Y/N loves eating and sleeping too, look at those rooms. Look at that bed!" Naruto grinned. "A hot tub!"
"It's right by an outlet mall, stores inside and around the building." Sasuke said out loud. "If it's anything our brat loves, it's spending money." Sasuke chuckled.
"Come stay at the Fire Kingdoms greatest casino hotel." Naruto said out loud. Sasuke immediately wrote down the number, and handed it to Naruto.
"Give it a call today dobe and check availability." Sasuke smirked and waved the pad at him.
"Wait Sasuke, don't forget I'm hokage so I can't just leave when I want." Naruto sighed.
"Say it's a mission." Sasuke said simply. "Come on dobe, this is what she wants." Sasuke nipped his ear with his teeth, his tongue flashing out to lick the bite marks.
"Alright, alright, it's fine". Naruto frowned as Sasuke stood.
"Then hurry up Dobe, I have to get back to Sakura." Sasuke kissed the boy goodbye at once and disappeared, leaving Naruto alone on his futon.
"I'll do anything for you Y/N-Chan." Naruto sighed. He would come up with something.
"Y/N-Chan!" Y/N had tried to scurry past, but the two woman she was trying to avoid had seen her. She was dressed in her signature knee highs, with high pigtails and a mini dress.
"Hello Sakura-Chan, Ino-Chan." Y/N came up to them and was greeted with hugs and kisses.
"Y/N-Chan, you already know what we're gonna say." Sakura teased her as she tugged lightly on Y/N's ponytails. They were curled around her waist. "Such a cute adorable girl like you shouldn't be single." Sakura teased.
"Yes, unlike flat chests here, you are so beautiful." Ino cooed, poking her cheeks. Y/N blushed.
"Ino-pig shut up." Sakura snapped. "Anyway Y/N-Chan, like Ino and I were discussing your the only one of us girls who aren't married yet." Sakura shook her head at her. Y/N sighed.
"I've never been interested in it, I told you guys that." Y/N faked a smile.
"Well you know what, we want to be bridesmaids at your wedding." Sakura cooed.
"Not gonna happen." Y/N said dryly. "I see how happily you guys are, that's enough." Y/N shrugged. Sakura frowned at her.
"That's not fair Y/N, you can't compare marriage in total to just one or two. I mean look at Sasuke and I, were both very happy." Sakura smiled. "I take care of the kids, and he takes care of the village."
Y/N nodded. "Okay."
"Y/N-Chan!" Ino huffed. "You're going on the date we set up, and that's final!"
"Whoa!" Y/N huffed. "What do I look like here, lonely?"
"Well yeah!" Sakura pointed out. "You're always at my house talking to Sasuke-kun and I. You just don't want to be in your lonely apartment." Sakura looked at her in pity. Y/n sighed. If only she knew.
"Okay, okay. Who is it?" Y/N sighed. Ino smirked.
"He told us he has the biggest crush on you." Ino bragged.
"Kiba-kun will meet you at the Palace diner tonight." Sakura cooed. "Pick your dress out."
"KIBA!" Y/N snapped, but then her face softened. "He is not my type."
"There's nothing wrong with Kiba!" Ino huffed.
"He's hairier than a dog, and he's been caught masturbating's more times then I've had missions." Y/N shivered.
"Kiba is lonely too." Sakura poked her. "Come on Y/N-Chan do you want to be a virgin forever?"
Y/N opened her mouth to debunk that claim, but shut it immediately. She knew they would ask questions. "Okay fine."
"Good. Let's go back to Y/N-Chan's place. I already told Sasuke I'd be busy." Sakura smirked evilly. Y/N sighed.
"Okay so should we go, little black dress or splash of color?" Ino asked Sakura as they sat in Y/N's room. Y/N was waiting patiently, saddened however at not being able to enjoy her ice cream she had bought.
"Y/N-Chan, pick out your nicest thong." Sakura instructed. Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"I am not letting that dog hit." Y/N crossed her arms. And rolled her eyes. Sakura smiled.
"You're gonna give him a chance Y/N-Chan." Sakura Warned her. "Ooh this one." She pressed the dress against Y/N's skin.
"It looks beautiful." Ino smiled as she unraveled the hair curlers in her hair. "Put it on Y/N-Chan."
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, making Y/N leap up. "I'll get it!" She cried as the last roller was removed, revealing beautiful shiny curls as she practically bounced to the door.
"Oh." Sasuke muttered, seeing her open the door with her hair done nicely. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"Only a bit." Y/N muttered. "Sakura's here if you want to see her." Y/N said loudly. Sakura peeked her head out and squealed.
"Sasuke-kun!" She cried as she ran over to him.
"She's setting me up on a date." Y/N giggled as Sasuke's face looked just as impassive as when he entered. He looked at Sakura with a cold look.
"We agreed that because she has no family left, that her clan is decided by me." Sasuke lectured her. "Nobody is allowed to take Y/N out without my permission. She's my closest friend, I need to evaluate them for her clan's sake."
"I know Sasuke-kun, but Y/N knows him. She will be fine." Sakura smiled gently, used to his cold demeanor.
"It's Kiba." Y/N said dryly, making Sasuke visibly flinch.
"Why do you insist on picking up the most desperate garbage on the street?" Sasuke glared at Sakura. "She deserves better than the guy with chronic masterbation issues." Sasuke coldly said, making Sakura flinch.
"It's okay, Sasuke." Y/N smiled gently. "I told them I'd do it."
Sasuke stared at her. "If you're sure."
Sakura gulped underneath his cold glare, knowing he was angry. "Sasuke-kun with all due respect, Y/N is single. She doesn't need anyone's permission to date."
"She's right." Y/N smiled at Sasuke. "Big brother." She stuck her tongue out at Sasuke, teasing him. He sighed.
"Okay, alright. Where and when is this date?" Sasuke asked Sakura as Ino came out and grabbed Y/N.
"Come on Y/N-Chan, I found the cutest thing just in case Kiba charms the pants off of you." Ino said with a smile.
Sasuke's neck nearly broke as he turned around to gawk at Y/N, Sakura coughing gently. "She'll be okay Sasuke-kun. I know she's your first friend, but calm down." Sakura said gently. "She's a grown woman who can make her own decisions." She insisted. Sasuke grunted.
"Time and place?" Sasuke repeated.
"The palace dinner in an hour." Sakura sighed.
"Okay, and you sure Kiba will be on his best behavior?" Sasuke asked, his face softened ever so slightly. Sakura nodded.
"Yes I warned him, he's actually very excited." Sakura grinned. He nodded with a huff.
"Oh my god!" Ino screamed in delight, and the bedroom door opened again.
"Definitely the splash of color!" Ino squealed as Y/N turned and did a small dance, grinning as Sasuke openly stared at her long legs and heeled feet.
"Beautiful." Sakura smiled. "Kiba won't be able to keep his hands off you- I mean!" Sakura squeaked when Sasuke glared at her.
"I'm ready." Y/N turned, showing off her perfectly shaped lobes.
"You be safe." Sasuke warned her, bowing. "Let me know later how it goes."
"Of course Sasuke." Y/N smiled. "Have a good night." She waved him off as he excused himself from the house.
"I wonder what Sasuke-kun wanted to say?" Sakura wondered aloud. Y/N shrugged.
"Not sure, but he'll tell me later."
"Whatever. Now come on Y/N-Chan, let's get you out of here!" Ino hollered as they quickly left the house with smiles.
Y/N nervously stood outside the restaurant holding her purse, shuffling her feet. Ino and Sakura were hiding in the bushes behind her. "It's him!" Ino squealed quietly. Y/N looked around and met his eyes.
"Oh." Y/N said. She had known Kiba for a long time, and she knew he never shaved. Tonight however was a different story. His caveman-like beard was gone. And his face was complete with a sexy fade and haircut he looked many years younger. "Kiba-Kun!" Y/N called out excitedly. His eyes widened as he took her in.
"Oh my Kami! Y/N-Cha?!" Kiba gasped as he scanned her up and down. "You look so beautiful." He grabbed her hand and gave her a cute kiss. "I can't believe you're here with a guy like me."
"Kiba, we're friends." Y/N smiled. "Of course I'd come with you." Y/N blushed as he took her by the arm. She peeked at the bushes as she realized they were empty. Their jobs were done.
"I've always admired you Y/N-Chan, I figured us being the only two single in the group would bring us together." Kiba let her into the nicely lit building with fairy lights, making Y/N gasp at the beautiful decor.
"It was bound to happen." Y/N smiled. "Table for two please." She smiled as she and Kiba followed the waiter towards their table.
"Right here love." Kiba teased her as he pulled out her chair for her, helping her sit. He pushed her in gently, making her smile.
"I had no idea the great Kiba could be such a gentleman." Y/N smiled.
"What can I say, I've learned from my old ways." Kiba shrugged as he sat across from her.
"So Kiba, how have you been?" Y/N bit her lip as she watched him talk. She hadn't realized how handsome he was under all the fur.
"To be honest Y/N, really good. I've been working a lot, and I've recently moved into my bachelor pad with Akamaru and some other puppies. Nothing but having fun." Kiba smirked.
"I understand. Me too, I've been going on a lot of missions." Y/N grinned.
"Hanging out with Sasuke and Naruto?" Kiba wondered aloud. Y/N paused but nodded.
"Well they're my best friends. I've known them since I was five." Y/N giggled.
"I get that, I really do." Kiba smiled. "They're really protective of you."
"Oh really?" Y/N said gently. "I didn't notice, I was just looking at you." Y/N slid her chair a little closer to Kiba, her eyes lowered in her smile. Kiba smirked as he slid his closer.
"What if I told you.." Kiba leaned closer until his lips were curling at her ear. She blushed slightly as his breath tickled her ear. "Wait... their right there."
"What?" Y/N straightened and turned around. Two eyes that were staring at them turned down towards their menu. They were wearing fake mustaches and colorful clothing as disguises. "Oh my god those pricks." Y/N frowned.
"It's okay babe, I won't let it ruin our night." Kiba kissed her cheek just in time for the waiter to come back, asking them if they wanted any water. Kiba's hand dropped to her knee, making her smile.
"I'll take some water." Y/N giggled as he tickled the inside of her knee.
"I'll be right back ma'm." The waiter smiled at them as he left. Kiba smirked into Y/N's neck.
"They are so ridiculous." Y/N giggled at the sight of Naruto and Sasuke wearing gag glasses. She knew right away that those were Naruto's ideas.
"They are, aren't they." Kiba smirked. "Sakura and Ino were worried too, but they don't have anything to worry about. I take care of my friends." Kiba kissed her neck, making Y/N gasp as he tongue flicked her.
"You're a flirt Kiba." Y/N smirked. Kiba retracted from her to rummage through his bag, Y/N dropping her leg disappointed.
"You know, the fancy restaurant isn't my type." Kiba smirked. "Wanna go skinny dipping?" He showed her the flyer for a free pond. Y/N nodded.
"Hell yeah." Y/N smirked, but sputtered when she was nearly pushed out of the way.
Naruto in fake glasses sat down in between the two , separating them effectively.
"So guys, enjoying the night?" Naruto had nearly thrown Y/N to the floor. She huffed angrily as she was forced to share her chair.
"What are you doing Naruto, we were just about to get out of here." Kiba complained. Y/N looked beside her to see Sasuke take a seat as well.
"I told you these fucking things don't work dobe." Sasuke rolled his eyes. He threw his fake glasses on the table. "Y/N your confused, let's just go home."
"No, I'm having fun with Kiba-kun." Y/N looked at Kiba with a smile. He smiled back.
"I'm having fun too Y/N-Chan." Kiba reached across the table to grasp Y/N's hand. She clutched him.
Sasuke smacked him before he could touch her, making him retract his hand..
"You asshole." Kiba raised his voice.
"I didn't approve this date, so therefore it's not valid." Sasuke insisted. Naruto sighed.
"Y/N-Chan, I tried to make him see reason." Naruto begged. Y/N shook visibly with anger.
"Kiba, let's just go." Y/N stood. Sasuke grabbed her arms.
"No! I had something important to tell you!"
"And there's no reason you can't tell me after I have a night with Kiba!" Y/N snapped. "You have a wife Sasuke, put your attention on her!" Sasuke snatched his arm back, shocked at her anger.
"Let's go Y/N-Chan." Kiba sighed and took her by the arm.
"He's just using for sex, can't you see that!" Sasuke huffed. Naruto's eyes widened.
Y/N's face curled in disgust as she ripped away from Kiba and walked towards Sasuke until she was so close to his ear.
"And what the fuck... do you think you guys do to me?" She whispered. Sasuke's jaw dropped as she turned and walked away with Kiba, her eyes filled with tears. Naruto groaned as he buried his head into his arms.
"I told you this would be a bad idea Baka." Naruto groaned.
Sasuke sighed as the waiter came over, confused.
"Two waters?"
Y/N sat in silence the next day, the two boys groveling at her face. "We were just worried Y/N-Chan." Naruto begged for her forgiveness, tearfully rolling around at the floor. Sasuke was in a bow, his eyes staring at the floor.
"I'm sorry for making you feel like you're not grown enough." Sasuke muttered. Y/N crossed her arms as she sat down in front of them at her table, a soft smile on her face. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was gazing at the two with a small smile.
"If you forgive us, we'll make you feel like the best princess there's ever been." Naruto looked up at her with his sad blue eyes. "Y/N-Chan please."
"Okay, okay." Y/n smiled. "You're not allowed to stop me from having dates. I never stopped you both from having wives." Y/N challenged them. Sasuke nodded.
"How was it?" He asked. "Did you..." He looked towards her bedroom nervously. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"No Sasuke, I didn't. Kiba was actually a gentleman. We came back to my place, grabbed swimsuits. He seemed very determined to prove you guys wrong." Y/N smiled. Sasuke breathed with relief.
"About what you said last night.." Naruto wringed his hands nervously. "You're so much more to us than a lay Y/N-Chan." Naruto insisted. Sasuke nodded.
"We've practically known each other for forever." Sasuke looked up at her. "All three of us are connected in mind, body and soul." Sasuke held her hand. "You know I tried to convince you to marry me or him, so we could be a lot less complicated." Sasuke frowned.
"I don't want to have kids." Y/N frowned. "It's just not who I am."
"I know." Sasuke said sadly. "You're my best friend, don't make me sound like an asshole." He teased her lightly.
"Okay." Y/N giggled. "I'm sorry." She kissed both of their cheeks. "Now hurry up and tell me what you wanted to say daddies." Y/N smirked. Naruto nodded as he handed her a panthlete. Y/N stared at it, studying the amenities.
"This is a vacation brochure." She held this up. Sasuke nodded.
"We haven't had a lot of alone time, just the three of us." He explained with a small smirk on his face. "And we know you've been wanting a break."
"Oh my god." Y/N held up the brochure and pointed to the luxurious beaches. "You know I love the water."
"I know babe, I know." Naruto gleefully laughed as she lit up like a child on christmas.
"How are you going to get away?" Y/N asked Naruto. Naruto grinned.
"I told Hinata that I have a mission away from the village. I paid Shikamaru to cover for me." Naruto smirked. Shikamaru was the only one that knew of their affair. After all, they almost always did it in the Hokage's tower, they were bound to get caught. Shikamaru didn't care as long as he got unlimited vacation.
"Oh, my god." Y/N whispered excitedly. "This is amazing." Y/N threw her arms around Sasuke and Naruto, the both of them hugging her back.
"Have you told Sakura yet?" She asked Sasuke after kissing him deeply. She turned to Naruto and licked his lips teasingly.
"I will, on my way out." Sasuke shrugged. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Don't forget you have a child." Y/N rolled her eyes and kissed Naruto deeply. He moaned in her mouth.
"Don't forget this is expensive, staying for a month. You're lucky he's Hokage." Sasuke smirked as her eyes lit up.
"Oh my god, a month away!" Y/N cheered. She stood up and threw her top to the side. "Pre vacation sex!"
"Prevacation sex!" Naruto cheered and chased her to her bedroom, the two of them dropping their clothes and laughing. Sasuke rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"My dumbasses." He chuckled as he unbuttoned his cloak smoothly, getting ready to follow them in the bedroom.
So did you guys like that? Want a Part 2? :)
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